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Viewing Member - Dignitea

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023, 6:56:27 PM-
One day and then holidays, really looking forward to this one, not even caring what the weather is like, for that is not in my control anyway.

One thing I had hoped for, was a clear night on Saturday night to shoot the Meteor shower, but forecast is not great, so for the 7th year in a row, will miss, it was even going to buy a new lens, that would have been nice for this, but just a sign to not too, I see a lot of little signs, just now.

If anyone, want to see, the bigger image on any of my pictures from now, just ask and I will PM a larger file.

Lucky to get these flowers, usually someone cuts the heads off, might be a flower arranger. always covered in tiny things,
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Sunday, August 6, 2023, 9:05:13 AM-
I had not a bad week, lightening struck twice in the last month, in that I got a picture in the top 50 posted on Flickr that day , it was one of those pictures, that when I saw it on the back of the camera, I said to myself, that does look good, it only happens a few times a year, usually, I have to see, it on the big screen and do a little bit of touch ups, before I might even keep it.

I was not going to even post it. But did, woke in the morning and it had a few thousand views. so does views matter, yes, do I have a number, where I am happy yes, what is that number it is 1, simple as that. All else is a bonus.

Friday, I walked close to 10 miles all in, which is good, once it would have been double that, but one mile is one mile is how I see it. I walked 3 times yesterday, today, it will be none, my garden is calling me more, need to get more things in place for the future.

I got called a Skinny B'stard at work, best insult ever thrown at me, it did make me smile and laugh.

Even in my blogs, I find it hard to swear , just like in everyday life, it is not really my thing.

I saw one picture on NN this week, that I thought, yes, someone put that little bit effort in. let me explain, first of all each and everyone that posts there own pictures on here is a star in my eyes, there is no bad pictures, but bottom line, is we all like what we like.

Would I take pictures of a woman from NN ?

So in the hour or so since, I have started this blog, what else have I done, online food shop, bought a pair of socks and a belt , ate 2 slices of toast, had 2 cups of tea and downloaded a series of books, just like in my writing one thing leads to another.

A few pictures from my garden, Early August is my favourite time for the bedding plants, they are at there best , this year not as good with all the wet weather, but already planning for next year now.
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Saturday, August 5, 2023, 8:49:30 PM-

I took this yesterday morning, maybe just after 7am, the Moon was still high in the sky, had an idea of trying for it setting in the sea, but cloud came on the horizon and scuppered that idea, the idea was a good one and maybe one day, it will work out , who knows

Sitting here writing this and there is just a hint of colour in the sky as, the sun sets. The morning is supposed to be dry. but no chance of, any sunrise pictures, forecast is just not worth it.

I was actually going to blog, some of the colour from the garden in ,my next blog. It was going to be a how was my week blog, might still write that, but it is not like the old days where, I use to plan the blog out at work, or, as I was doing things. There was always something, that gave me the words, to write, most of the time, I only added a picture, as people liked seeing them, then it got too , where I thought, I had to have a picture too blog, stupid really.

Now for all, I know, I will blog, it is only when I type that first thought, it goes from there, sometimes it is hard, but you know, the crazy thing , it is because, I am in a good place in my mind, i never force them, tried that, big mistake, the best blogs came, when I was suffering from Stress, writing words, just flowed.
Now on that note, these pictures, I took today will not edit themselves, well I have 24 too look at , will cull a few of them and then bed,, till the next time people, smile..
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"Thank you MrsT."
- Dignitea

Friday, August 4, 2023, 8:24:38 PM-
I returned to the coast today, first time in ages, it was needed and very welcome.

I once would not have found this morning cold, but because I take blood thinners now, I guess, this is the cause, but just another lesson learned, it was quite a low tide, there was rocks on show, that I have never seen before and I think, if it had been sunset, I might have been able to do something.

But to be very honest it was a struggle, I even took pictures of birds, which is really not my thing, but just have to work, with what was there.

I still had a great time, I sat on a bit of drift wood, watched the world go by, one thing, not as many dog walkers as there once was, few runners and a few people walking.

If there is a chance of a sunset, when I am on holiday, might give it a go, or if it is stormy, will be there standing or sitting in a little sheltered spot and happily clicking away.

I did get a few pictures of the coastline, this castle at Greenan was one of the first away days, I done, when trying for some different types of blog pictures, then you have the Heads of Ayr, sat on top of them a few times, nice lunch spot, need to venture there again and see, what pictures, I might be able to get with the long lens. You can walk for miles and it is pretty flat., on the coast line, plenty of ;little spots. some I could share stories off, some I think I already did in my old Whokens blogs.
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"Thank you MrsT, first of many days back along the coast, I hope."
- Dignitea

Tuesday, August 1, 2023, 6:36:51 PM-

In Scotland we have lots of these old castles, this one means the most too me, I miss her. Never had one bad memory here, the place where smiles, were made. I am just an old romantic fool.

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"I am not well travelled myself and happy that I have travelled pretty much all along the West Coast ,so many happy days."
- Dignitea

Sunday, July 30, 2023, 8:52:00 AM-
I think , that if the weather gods play nice, I will head to the coast this Friday, for me the morning is not the time, I would normally go there, until winter that is. Something, different, a challenge of sorts, to make one picture, that I am happy with.

Sea air is suh a wonderful smell, it always has to me. leaving foot prints in the sand, looking for a seashell or just that little something that catches your eye, the closer you look, the treasures you see, like all the bits of glass, shaped by the sea, the tides change the view all the time.

The flotsam and jetsam on the tideline, it all holds questions for me, how far did it travel, why do people just throw there rubbish about , we as a tiny part of this world are a disgrace, mother nature gives us, such beauty and what do we do.

When I first started blogging here, I did post a lot from the coast, the beaches, the wildlife, the castles, that sit on its cliffs, one gave me some of the happiest days of my life. I chase smiles, not for me but for others, to make them smile, when they look at what I see, to maybe make a bad day better

I use to post pictures hoping to find , but I now know.

I saw a little quote this morning, I smiled as I read for such true words written, It was what I once did .

I read a blog on here, the other day, memories of one terrible weather day, high in the hills, with Eve, from with in the hood of her jacket, she started singing You don't have to tell me you love me, You don't have too tell me you care, For I don't care. It brought such beautiful memories back

It was still dull on Friday, when I got this little beauty still roosting Female Common Darter.

One week on Thursday and holiday time.

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Saturday, July 29, 2023, 11:43:31 AM-
I have blogged fairly regular this week, it just seemed right to do so, I had been looking at a few pictures , catching up with ones from the start of the year, that have just been sitting on the hard drive.

Yesterday I took over 600 pictures, a lot, but there might have been 50 of the same little Dragonfly it was windy, so I might not have one sharp one out of that, last night I did go through them culled it down to 80, which is still a lot for me. Today it will get halved again.

I only look for one keeper.

But my time out is more important than the pictures, would it bother me, if I got no keepers, not for a minute.

This little spot is quiet, I have only seen 4 other people up here,one a dog walked and 3 like me, taking pictures, they were all part of a local wildlife nature group. The steep walk up deters most people even though the path is good.

I did carry one of my landscape lenses yesterday, but never used it, i should have and if the heather had been more in bloom, I would have, when I am on holiday, I am going to spend a day here with the landscape set up.

I sat in my usual lunch spot, I did take a few selfies, to show, my spot, but there was one distracting thing in them,, which was me, so deleted them.

I never really make plans, but sitting here yesterday, I wrote some thoughts or ideas down, reflective moments in life, nothing wrong there.

That little wooden structure is where I have my lunch, it is is a shooting blind, well it once was , but in the little pond, I have never seen anything, that you would shoot, you can see the Heather just starting to bloom., till the next time
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Thursday, July 27, 2023, 9:31:57 AM-
I decided to cut my working week short, the last 3 weeks have been very heavy weeks, the metal, I play with, has all had weight to it, add in the constant heat and where once, it would have been easy, I struggle to the point , where I am now. Something has to change and it is going too.

If I had not taken today off, all thoughts of , my adventure would be a no goer, it happened last Friday , but I need to be where I am going, to seek out small things and to look at how the Heather is coming out, my landscape photography head is on now.

I wish, when I was younger, it was not all about work, that I had a better balance, but it was work work work.

If you could turn back time. what would you change for you, now there is a question.

I saw from an early age, how my Mum struggled to make ends meet, no money for treats, but I am glad of that, it taught me to value more than it would have if you just got use to things being given to you. I saved my pennies from an early age and still do so, always had a little jar , tub anything to hold loose change.

It teaches you, that good things are worth waiting for.

I wish, I had set the tripod up for this one, I was experimenting that morning, raising the ISO, to get a handheld shutter speed, was around ISO500 and 1/80th second. I used the 70-200 lens, unfinished business is how I see this one and the whole area around it.

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"Thank you Ksaint i just try to capture the beauty that mother nature gives."
- Dignitea

Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 6:28:14 PM-

In a little while it will be time, to think about getting back to the sea. Friday is going to be a coastal day if conditions are right from late September. I miss the storms, I miss the sunsets, I miss the castles, my photography has changed a lot since, the days where I was never away from the place, really looking forward to these new adventures. So many ideas, long term projects with maybe a little book at the end, will only have 12 -15 pictures in it, I have a few other ones on the go, it challenges you, which is something I like.
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"Thank you Mellie, I do love the sea, use to always be about the sunsets, but in the future more stormy pictures, where sometimes, it is a struggle to hold the camera steady."
- Dignitea

Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 7:25:20 PM-
Sometimes, it is better to just smile, let them think, what they want and just think, kiss my arse.

Just a little butterfly shot, hoping to get out on an adventure on Friday,
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