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Viewing Member - beachdreamz

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Wednesday, March 5, 2008, 1:09:51 AM-
OK so I am alive -at least I think so. I think I forget what it feels like to feel normal. Ok normal for me that is smile

I am mending. By tomorrow I have faith I will be back to 85-90%. I have no idea what even happened to me. I get colds all the time but this is the first time I have ever felt pain like that in my hips. Literally the only way I was getting through the day was to sleep. Friday night I went to bed and slept 19! hours and then was up for 4-5 hours and back to bed for another 15. The worst part is because all I did was sleep I feel like last week never ended so this is the longest work week ever. You can bet I will be making up for that this weekend!

On a positive note I have a lot of sweet guys in my life who kept calling to make sure I wasn't dead. Hahah they probably just wondered if it was safe to come claim my Guitar Hero/Rockband Games tongue

EDIT:Woot woot...I am on top of Tres...pretty good place to be if you ask me smile
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"*feels see if she feels normal* :P

*snuggles in next to her...and helps her feel much, much better...* :P~

- valleybud

Saturday, March 1, 2008, 1:34:49 AM-
Help me sad

Yes I am sick with a cold but something else is wrong. Aside from runny nose, sinus issues, mild sore throat and feeling like a giant is standing on my chest...I am scared the pnemonia is coming back except I don't feel as wiped out as when I had that 2 years ago but I can handle all of that for the moment.

Something is wrong with my hips and legs. I am in so much pain I am almost screaming. I can't sit, lay down, stand... nothing is working and it hurts so bad. I have no idea whats wrong. I haven't fallen or anything (besides its both hips) I dont know what to do. I don't have a bathtub but I did have a long shower until the hot water ran out. It helped some but now the pain is back. Do I want to put ice on it? Heat? I have some Vicks Vapor rub which says its good for sore muscles. Any other ideas??

I don't have a doctor here in Toronto and seeing as this isn't an emergency if I go to the hospital I am going to be waiting around for hours and I can't do that. Even at work today I had to stand and walk every 20 minutes
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"go to a walk in clinic, theres hundreds of them around you everywhere."
- bday456

Friday, February 29, 2008, 3:39:48 AM-
Please disregard my last blog...I am sick sad I feel miserable. Thank god tomorrow is Friday. I feel like I am 100 years old. 3/4 friends i was out with last weekend are sick as well. Two with the flu and one with a cold so its a toss up right now as to what one I have. Looks like its going to be a long intimate threesome, my bed and my couch - wait thats not a threesome because I will only be with one at a time sad
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"Rest and more that?"
- tight_wet_lips

Thursday, February 28, 2008, 11:39:12 PM-
Well the day sucked and I felt like ass all day *hehe too bad I wasn't really feeling an ass...there are a few on NN I would sure like to grab*

Anyhow...Now I am home and had some juice and soup...and I feel fine. I guess my body just didn't feel like going to work today. Thankfully I am a responsible person and went anyways - wait is it still responsible if I spent most of the day napping at my desk tongue I have a futon in my office but I thought that may have been pushing it.
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"LOL! :) Enjoy the night, and go to bed early. xxx"
- mdguy

Thursday, February 28, 2008, 3:35:32 AM-
It was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing here today, but not much new snow fell so I can deal with it. Plus my Leafs won again and I have already made it through half the week. Not too bad smile

I am semi sick - how is one semi sick you ask? Well I feel fine - no sore throat, no coughing, no puking. The only thing wrong is my nose is runny off and on. I wore a different kind of perfume today so I am hoping maybe thats the reason? *fingers crossed*

Time for another random nail polish is all chipped..what color should I do? They are currently black, before that was deep burgandy, before that gold and before that they were purple with gold tips. Maybe just a basic pink for a change? What colors do you all like??

PS incase this ever turned out to be a cold I am taking precautions and heading to bed early....anyone coming?
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"Sending a tissue and a hug....I'd go with pink, I love pink! mwahhhhhh"
- Anya32

Tuesday, February 26, 2008, 4:07:05 AM-
In the next week we are supposed to get at least 40 cms of snow. I am sooooooooooooo tired of winter. I want sunshine and warm days and being able to plan things with my friends and not have to worry about being snowed in sad Yes I do know I live in Canada but enough is enough ok?

On a positive note I am heading to bed so that means Monday is over for another week. Actually it wasn't even that bad of a day and my Leafs kicked some ass tonight which always makes me smile.
Random are with a loved one (or with friends -either way people who make you smile) and its storming. Where would you prefer to be? Home...a hotel...a cabin in the woods...whereever...

Me I choose the cabin smile As much as I hate storms in day to day life if I am cozy and don't want to go out *wink* then hearing the storm and getting as wild as it is would turn me on. Yeah I am one of the crazies who loves it. I used to make my ex boyfriend drive me down by the water to watch the lightning storms. Or one night we sat on my deck a little awning covering us watching it for hours. Nature by far puts on the best show around
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"If you like nature shows you should come down to florida during hurricane season. If ure into storms that'd turn you into a nympho and put you in orgy mode!!"
- florida_guy1

Sunday, February 24, 2008, 11:59:20 PM-
Yesterday was awesome. I love my friends. We went bowling (where I kicked ass!!!), then to the Keg for dinner and then to a Leafs game. We have been having some trouble with one of our friends lately and just too much drama so it was nice to get away from that and just kick back. I have to laugh when I am out with them because my friends are all gorgous and we go to the hockey game and of course guys check them out..but its twice as funny when they hear our conversation and we know more about the sport than they do.

After the game they had to split so me and my little black dress went out on a date. A fun little bar with older music that makes me smile. Add in the fact that lately Beach can't handle her alcohol, a hot date, good music, a relaxing fun day and then a lot of cuddling and you have one veryyyy content Beachy.

Today it was sunny so I threw on a hoodie instead of 16 layers and went for a walk through Bloor Village. Just being in the sunshine made my mood even better. Now I am going to watch some of the awards and hope Juno/Ellen Page gets an award

Have a fantastic week everyone smile
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"Glad you had a good time! You have a great week too babe! xx"
- Anya32

Saturday, February 23, 2008, 6:23:56 AM-
Ms Dreamz (thats me!) is tired and taking her ass to bed. Anyone wanna come join me for a snuggle party? It always makes me sleep better..haha or maybe its just sex that has that effect on me tongue

Tomorrow is going to be a blast..hehe oh and I am wearing the black dress...wish me luck!

/loving the weekends smile
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"me loves the snuggle parties :)"
- kassie...

Thursday, February 21, 2008, 2:14:58 AM-
OK so I am going to post new kind of pics tonight...ones that aren't just me. Am I nervous? Hell yeah. I am not embarassaed, not ashamed of the pictures in any way but its something new and well thats always scary to some extent right? The ones I am posting are obviously not too private to share. Don't get me wrong - I have no issue with the people who post more sexual pics its just not something I would want to do - at least at this point.
Oh and before anyone asks
1) YES, he does know I am posting them and he is a member here
2) NO, I am not looking to meet anyone on here to take pictures with, now or ever. I care for him very much and we have known each other for a while - its not someone I met once and took pictures with

Oh and VB sweetheart, please don't cancel the wedding over this tongue Consider it art. When is our wedding anyways? I am in desperate need of a vacation!
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"Don't you know that if you make VB the best man instead of the groom, you still get to sleep with him? :)

I just looked... you looked good. xxxx"
- mdguy

Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 6:12:18 AM-
Bruised lips
His lingering scent
Tossled hair
A messy bed
Legs like jello
Skin so soft
Breathing, gasping, moaning
Total contentment

One veryyyy big smile

~Goodnight NN smile
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"mmm sounds perfect :)"
- Northern Star

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